15 research outputs found

    Tid, betydning og ritualdynamik

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    Udgangspunktet for denne artikel er brugen af ’fjerne faktorer’ i evolutionære tilgange til religion og ritualer, særligt gen-selektionismen. Artiklen argumenterer for, at evolutionsteori peger på nye muligheder for generalisering inden for religions- og ritualstudier, men at ’nære faktorer’ såsom betydning og oplevelse er vigtige for undersøgelsen af, hvordan kommunikativ og ritualiseret adfærd fungerer gennem tid. Til sidst bruges et etologisk feltstudie til at illustrere, hvordan ritualisering skaber saliente adfærdsfænomener, der igangsætter betydningsdannelse og frigør deltagerne fra deres umiddelbare adfærdsdispositioner


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    In this paper, we address the challenge of multilingual sentiment analysis using a traditional lexicon and rule-based sentiment instrument that is tailored to capture sentiment patterns in a particular language. Focusing on a case study of three closely related Scandinavian languages (Danish, Norwegian, and Swedish) and using three tailored versions of VADER, we measure the relative degree of variation in valence using the OPUS corpus. We found that scores for Swedish are systematically skewed lower than Danish for translational pairs, and that scores for Norwegian are skewed higher for both other languages. We use a neural network to optimize the fit between Norwegian and Swedish respectively and Danish as the reference (target) language

    A plot of the arena, objects, and zones.

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    <p>The large circumference represents the 6 x 5.6 m arena, and the 16 dark squares (â– ) represent the 16 equispaced objects. Dashed lines represent the virtual division of the arena as used by the tracking system. The dashed square around each object represents the object zone, and the 16 object zones together comprise the grid zone. Four corner zones and four perimeter zones (each connecting two adjacent corners) were determined along the walls of the arena.</p

    Traveling Companions Add Complexity and Hinder Performance in the Spatial Behavior of Rats

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    <div><p>We sought to uncover the impact of the social environment on the spatial behavior of rats. Food-deprived rats were trained in a spatial task of collecting food items from 16 equispaced objects. Following training, they were tested, first alone and then with a similarly-trained cage-mate. It was found that the presence of another rat substantially altered the rats' spatial behavior. Lone rats collected the food items faster while traveling a shorter distance, reflecting a higher efficiency of task completion. When accompanied by a partner, however, the rats traveled together, visiting the same set of objects in each trip with one of them leading. Whether alone or with a partner, rats continued to revisit the same objects; however, more such revisits occurred with a partner. We argue that revisiting objects is not necessarily an error, since returning to past places is an important aspect of rats’ natural behavior. Revisiting an object following food depletion implies that searching for food was not the main driving force in the rats' spatial behavior. Specifically, despite food deprivation, rats were more attentive to one another than to the food. This could be adaptive, since foraging and feeding in groups is a way of poison avoidance in wild rats. Finally, the addition of a social component added complexity to the environment since the rats organized their spatial behavior in reference to one another in addition to their organization in the physical surrounding. Consequently, when tested with a partner, spatial behavior was less structured, less predictable and more chaotic.</p></div

    Latency (mean ± SEM) of arrival at each of the 16 objects.

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    <p>The cumulative number of visited objects is depicted along the abscissa, and the time (sec.) of arrival along the ordinate. As shown, the first arrival at each of the 16 objects consistently occurred earlier in lone compared with dyad rats. The short error bars in dyad rats represent the coupling in arrival time, when rats followed one another. In contrast, the greater variance in the lone trial represents the independence of arrival when rats were tested alone.</p

    Trajectories of two exemplary rats of the same dyad.

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    <p>The route of each rat in the lone trial is shown in left and the rout of each rat in the dyad trial is shown in the right. The trajectories are depicted until all objects were visited at least once.</p

    An hypothetical example of recurrence plots.

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    <p>A completely chaotic signal of white Gaussian noise, 350 steps of power 0 dBW (a) generates no diagonal lines at all or very short diagonal lines and stochastic signals. In contrast, a completely periodic signal of a sine wave, also 350 steps (b) generates very long diagonal lines.</p

    Recurrence plots of two rat of the same dyad.

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    <p>Plots a,b represent, respectively, rat 1 when tested alone and when tested in a dyad. Similarly, plots c,d represent rats 2. When tested alone (left insets) the rats exhibited more periodic and predictable behavior, as reflected in the long vertical and diagonal lines that result in densely packed rectangles, which indicate frequent returning to locations at the same distance from the focal point. In contrast, when the same rats were tested in a dyad, the recurrence plot features smaller squares and shorter diagonal and vertical lines (right insets). These indicate less frequent returning to locations at the same distance from the focal point, and that the rat stopped for shorter periods of time when repeatedly visiting a location. Altogether, the behavior of the rats in the dyad trial (b,d) was more chaotic and less predictable compared to their behavior in the lone trials (a,c).</p